Invisible Personalities and Realities
In a recent blog, we discussed the story of Elisha and his servant at Dothan, recorded in 2 Kings 6:8-23. Remember that Elisha's servant could not see the horses and chariots of fire surrounding Elisha and the enemies of Israel, the Arameans= Syrians. 2 Kings 6:17. Obviously, these "horses and chariots" were the angelic horses and chariots that God sent to protect Elisha and his servant and the people of Dothan. The most important personalities and realities in life are invisible to the human eye. It would be impossible to make a complete list of invisible personalities and realities. Here are only a few.
1. Angels. Usually we human beings do not see angels visibly. Occasionally they do appear, but usually they are invisible. The Bible is full of references to the work and influences of angels among human beings on earth. A very few examples are: Genesis 18:1-8, 22; 19:1-23; 28:10-17; Exodus 14:19; Judges 6:11-24; Psalm 91:11-12; Matthew 1:20-25; Luke 2:8-20; 15:8-10; Acts 12:6-11; Galatians 1:6-9.
2. Satan=The Devil. We human beings have never seen Satan=the Devil. But it is obvious that the devil is very alive. The Bible often mentions Satan=the Devil. Here are only a few examples: 1 Chronicles 21:1; Job 1-2; Zechariah 3:1-10; Matthew
4:1-11; Romans 16:20; 1 Peter 5:8-9.
3. God the Father. No one has ever seen God as he really is. Exodus 33:17-23; Judges 13:19-23; John 1:18; 1 Timothy 1:17; 6:13-16.
4. Demons. Paul openly declares:
"Our struggle is not against enemies of blood and flesh, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the cosmic powers of the present darkness, against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly places." Ephesians 6:12.
The Bible frequently refers to demons who disrupt the hearts and lives of human beings. Jesus often confronted demons. See for example, Matthew 8:28-9:1; 12:22-32, 43-45; 17:14-21; Acts 19:11-20.
5. Fear, Anxiety, Disappointment, Pessimism, Depression. Many negative realities exist in our heart. Fear, anxiety, disappointment, pessimism, depression, and similar such realities are invisible. But they are real.
6. Love, patience, hope, trust, joy, peace, self-control. Many positive realities exist in our heart. These realities are real, but they are invisible.
The most important personalities and realities in life are invisible. Our God is invisible. He is obviously a daily personality in life. His wisdom, his power, his love, sustains us daily.
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John Willis
One of the most humbling things for me is that Jesus is exactly what God would like look like in human form. He came so that we could see God. Love your blog.
Philip , at 9:33 AM
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