There are more with us than there are with them
The odds are stacked against God's people. The world and its forces far outnumber and outstrategize the people of God. Throughout history, a situation has been very gloomy, discouraging, dismal. Read the daily newspapers. Listen to the morning or evening TV news. Peruse most recent books and articles. Everyone challenging situation poses serious anxious problems for all human beings.
2 Kings 6:8-23 describes a dismal situation for Elisha the prophet and his servant and the people of Israel at the little town of Dothan not far from Samaria, the capital of North Israel. Ben-hadad the king of Aram [Syria] and his army surround Dothan and its inhabitants and threatens to destroy them. 6:8-14.
When this serious situation, Elisha's servant cried out: "Alas, master! What shall we do?" 6:15. We can quickly resonate and empathize with this very feeling. In frustration, we do not know which way to turn, how to react, where to seek help.
Elisha responded immediately: "Do not be afraid, for there are more with us than there are with them." Suddenly the Lord opened the eyes of Elisha's servant, and he saw that the mountain was full of horses and chariots of fire all around Elisha. 6:16-17.
As we confront new situations each day, it is so helpful and meaningful to remember that our God is always with us, and that invisible beings surround us for protection, resources, and support. Unfortunately, many people assume ONLY visible human beings exist. NOT SO. Angels are everywhere. And they are constantly ready to intervene in our behalf under the leadership of our heavenly commander.
So, let us be encouraged by the realities of life rather than "buying into" the false news of the world. God's people will prevail, because God is in control.
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John Willis
John, in Elisha case they could see their enemy. While that can obviously be unnerving their visable. Many of the enemies we face with today are invisable (e.g. the economy, job loss, poverty, hunger, depression etc.) How would you apply these verses for today?
Anonymous, at 5:32 AM
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