John T. Willis

Wednesday, July 07, 2010


There are twenty species of bowerbirds. They live in New Guinea and Australia. They belong to the Family Ptilonorhynchidae. They favor rainforest, eucalyptus and acacia forest, and shrublands.

Most bowerbirds at polygynous, but catbirds are monogamous. Hence, the male and the female mate and raise their chicks together. As for other bowerbirds, the female builds the nest and raises the young alone.

The female chooses the male mate. The male vogelkop builds a hut that appears to be much like a doll's house, arranging flowers, leaves, and mushrooms in a very artistic way. Some can sing simultaneously the male and female parts of another species' duet, while others imitate the raucous laugh of a kookaburra or the roar of a chain saw. The usual call is a machine-gun-like call: rat-a-tat-tat. These birds kill beetles to decorate their hut.

The female lays one or two eggs. These hatch in 19 to 24 days. Bowerbirds look like blue jays. They have olive-drab feathers and a single streak of orange on the head. Attempting to gain the fancy of a female, males often fight against one another, and steal the ornaments of one another.

Bowerbirds are another marvelous example of God's endless creatures. Bowerbirds have unique features and practices. Every creature of God is unique. YOU are unique. Rejoice in God's choice of YOU.

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John Willis


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