John T. Willis

Thursday, June 25, 2009

The Human Reciprocal Mission

According to the Bible, God the Father sent his Son Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit to save lost humankind. God the Father through Jesus and the Holy Spirit is the one and only dependable "missionary" on the earth.

Indeed, God the Father through Jesus and the Holy Spirit charged those who sought to follow God to go into all the world and attempt to bring the lost to God. This idea is clear from Abraham in Genesis 12:1-3; 22:15-18 throughout the Bible.

Naturally, those who assume they are "the chosen people of God" assume they have a "mission" to convert the world to God. This is certainly pointed in the right direction and often works in that way. But "the self-designated people of God" often become self-centered, arrogant, and wrong-headed.

Ironically, often God uses "foreigners" or "non-Christians" as God's "mission" to convert and save "the people of God." READ THE STORIES IN THE BIBLE!!! For starters, here are three examples.

1. God promised Abraham "in you ALL THE FAMILIES OF THE EARTH SHALL BE BLESSED." Genesis 12:3. BUT, when Abraham went to Egypt to survive because of a famine in the land of Canaan, Abraham lied that Sarah was his wife and claimed Sarah was his sister, BECAUSE Abraham was afraid that Pharaoh might kill him. When Pharaoh learned Abraham's lie, Pharaoh proved himself to be a righteous person and rebuked Abraham for his sin. Genesis 12:10-20, especially verses 18-20. NOW, who was the "missionary" in this story: Abraham the Christian or Pharaoh the non-Christian? Biblically, the answer is obvious. Sometimes, "the people of God" do the wrong thing and need to have others to convert them!!! All HUMAN beings are flawed. Maybe we need to rethink our view of "mission." God the Father through Jesus and the Holy Spirit is the only dependable "missionary."

2. In the well-known story of Jonah, God gave Jonah a "mission" to go to Nineveh and convert the pagan Ninevites. BUT Jonah went the opposite direction toward Tarshish. A great storm threatened the whole ship, including Jonah. Immediately, naturally, the pagan sailors exerted every possible means to save all the people on this ship, including Jonah. Jonah 1:4-16. NOW, who was the "missionary" in this story: Jonah the Christian or the pagan sailors on the ship? Biblically, the answer is obvious. Sometimes, "the people of God" do the wrong thing and need others to rescue them from sin and destruction. All HUMAN beings are flawed. Maybe we need to rethink our view of "mission." God the Father through Jesus and the Holy Spriti is the only dependable "missionary."

3. Jesus tells the story about a Jew whom a band of robbers attacked him and hurt him severely. Jews passed by the way and ignored their suffering comrade in need. A Samaritan passed by the way and was moved with compassion and rescued this Jew. Luke 10:25-37. NOW, who was the "missionary" in this story: the Jewish priest and the Jewish Levite who ignored the suffering man or the pagan Samaritan? Biblically, the answer is obvious. Sometimes, "the people of God" do the wrong thing and need others to open their eyes and do the right thing and save people in pain and need. All HUMAN beings are flawed. Maybe we need to rethink our view of "mission." God the Father through Jesus and the Holy Spirit is the only dependable "missionary."

Now, PLEASE do not misunderstand me. I am FOR Christians doing "mission." I firmly believe God has sent his people into the world to do God's "mission." BUT, God is wiser and more understandable and more compassionate than all of us. From a human point of view, "mission" is a two-way street--a reciprocal situation. While WE may have a "mission" to others, it may also be just as true that God is using OTHERS on HIS "mission" to reach out to US and rescue and save US from our sin and death and corruption. Let us learn to appreciate OTHERS, even the OTHERS that we are trying to reach them in God's "mission." Often, they bless us as much as we might bless them.

What do you think? Let me know.

John Willis


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