John T. Willis

Tuesday, May 03, 2005

Psalm 63:5-8

The second part of Psalm 63 is verses 5-8, where the composer utters a beautiful description of the joys of the intimate relationship between Yahweh and human beings:

"My soul is satisfied as with a rich feast,
and my mouth praises you with joyful lips
when I think of you on my bed,
and meditate on you in the watches of the night;
for you have been my help,
and in the shadow of your wings I sing for joy.
My soul clings to you;
your right hand upholds me."

1. The human "soul" (that is, life, being, energy) constantly depends on Yahweh for spiritual sustenance. In verse 1, the psalmist compares a person's desperate yearning for Yahweh with "thirst." Now, in verse 5, the speaker compares it with "hunger" (see John 6:32-35). God alone "satisfies" the inner longings of the human heart (see Psalms 17:15; 65:4; 90:14). This is a major theme in the book of Ecclesiastes.
2. A human being is the sum total of that on which he or she "meditates." The composer of Psalm 63 "meditates" on Yahweh day and night, which is very close to "meditating" on God's word (see Joshua 1:8; Psalms 1:2; 119:15, 99), because God's word is a witness which points beyond itself to Yahweh (see John 5:39-40).
3. "The shadow of [Yahweh's] wings" may refer to the huge cherubim [angelic-like figures] rising above the ark of the covenant in the Jerusalem temple (see 1 Kings 8:6-8; Psalm 80:1), but more likely this is a metaphor for God's protection and "help" (notice the parallel line in verse 7) (see Psalm 57:1; Isaiah 31:5; Luke 13:34). The Bible often praises Yahweh because he is the "help" of those who depend on him (see Psalms 22:19; 27:9; 40:17; 46:1; 121:1-2). One should note that the fact that God "helps" those in need does not mean he is inferior to them. This is important when considering the affirmation in Genesis 2:18, 20 that Yahweh made woman to be man's "helper." This does not mean the woman is inferior to the man, any more than the affirmation that God "helps" human beings means he is inferior to human beings.
4. The only reason human beings continue to exist and prosper is that Yahweh "upholds" them with his powerful "right hand" (see Psalms 3:5; 37:17, 24; 51:12; 54:4; 145:14).
May God give us a "thirst" and "hunger" for him, and a deep gratitude for all the ways he sustains us in every aspect of life.

John Willis


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