John T. Willis

Sunday, December 20, 2009

Catmas Carols

Evelyn and I have three cats: Boots, Siam, and Catalong--and it is Christmas time. Our cats now apply normal Christmas carols to their own thoughts. Let's peek in and listen to THEIR carols.

We Three Cats

We three cats of Orient are
Terrified to get in the car.
Why go out for celebrating?
We'll stay right where are are. Oooh--

We're not happy with a trip yet.
Seems they always end at the vet.
These excustions are diversions
We'd just as soon forget. Oooh--

We three cats are Siamese,
Himalayan, and Tonkinese.
Bring us gifts of meat with gravy
And mild kinds of cheese. Oooh--

Home is heaven. Home is good.
Home is where we get our food.
Why go out for Christmas parties?
Frankly we're not in the mood.

The First Meow

The first meow,
the angels did say,
Was to certain white Persians
On rugs where they lay.
On rugs where they
Lay trying to sleep.
Having dreams about cat life
That were so deep.
Meow, meow, meow, meow,
They'll get to do what they want, somehow.
Meow, meow, meow, meow,
They'll get to do what they want, somehow.

Oh, Come

Oh, come all ye furful,
Hungry and well-rested,
Oh, come ye, oh, come ye to
The master bedroom.
Come and behold them
Snoring loudly 'neath the sheets,
For now it's time to wake them,
For now it's time to wake them,
For now it's time to wake them,
On this Christmas morn.

Meow, choirs of felines,
Meow in expectation.
Meow till you get you Mom
And Dad out of bed.
Glory to food
In the cat dish.
Oh, come let us enjoy it,
Oh, come let us enjoy it,
Oh, come let us enjoy it,
Breakfast at last!

O! Little Town of Cat Mayhem

O! Little town of Cat Mayhem,
What mischiefs among you lie?
They look angelic in their sleep,
But there's nothing they won't try.
And in the dark night shineth
Alert, translucent eyes
As they attack the Christmas stockings
Carrying off the prize.

These are "songs" written by Laurie Loughlin. I hope you enjoy at least one of these. This book has several more.

Have a wonderful Christmas--and enjoy your cats. They are a pleasure. Share YOUR experiences with others. Let me hear from YOU.

John Willis


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