John T. Willis

Saturday, August 29, 2009

Three Conferences Affecting Job's Vital Concerns

After several blogs dealing with Introductory Matters in preparation to study the Book of Job, with this blog, we begin to launch SLOWLY into the Book of Job itself.

The composer or author of the Book of Job describes THREE CONFERENCES or "meetings" or "assemblies" ABOUT Job in Job 1-3. Ironically, Job himself does not interact with the "particpants" of any of these "conferences." They all talk or act ABOUT Job, not directly TO Job. After each "conference," certain events occur, and Job responds in some way. In this blog, I want to "sketch" these "three conferences" in Job 1-3. In later blogs, I will try to go more in depth with regard to each conference, the ensuing events, and Job's responses. Here, then, is an outline of Job 1-3.

Introduction: The composer of the Book of Job describes the significant pieces of information important for understanding the whole Book of Job. Job 1:1-5. Here are the introductory significant pieces of information.
a. Job comes from the land of Uz. Verse 1.
b. Job was a "WISE MAN," demonstrated by the fact that he was "one who feared God and turned away from evil." We discussed this in a previous blog. Verse 1.
c. Job was a "VERY HEALTHY MAN," demonstrated by the fact that he had 7 sons and 3 daughters. Obviously, his wife also was healthy. Verse 2.
d. Job was a "VERY WEALTHY MAN." He had numerous possessions. Verse 3.
e. Job was very conscientious [meticulous, scrupulous, "religious"] to obey all of God's practices. So, when Job's children held a feast, Job would send and sanctify them and offer burnt offerings according to the number of them all, for fear that one of his children sinned and cursed God in their hearts; these sacrifices would appease God for their forgiveness. Verses 4-5.
[As the story of the Book of Job unfolds, Job's PROBLEM is his tremendous LOSSES: first, his wealth [Job 1]; then his health [Job 2:1-10]; and finally his wisdom [the fear of the Lord] [Job 2:11-3:26].

The Three Conferences--Job 1:6-3:26.
I. The First Conference. Job 1:6-12. The first conference takes place in heaven. The participants are: God, "the sons of God" [the heavenly beings]; and [the] Satan. [As a sideline, the next two blogs will go into detail about [the] Satan].
AS A RESULT of this first conference, certain significant events occur in Job's life, and Job responds in a certain way. Job 1:13-22. [Later blogs will go into detail on all this].
II. The Second Conference. Job 2:1-6. The second conference takes place in heaven. The participants are: God, "the sons of God" [the heavenly beings]; and [the] Satan.
AS A RESULT of this second conference, certain significant events occur in Job's life, and Job responds in a certain way. Job 2:7-10. [Later blogs will go into detail on all this].
III. The Third Conference. Job 2:11-13. The third conference takes place on earth. The participants are: three friends of Job: Eliphaz, Bildad, and Zophar. Ultimately, they will set with Job on the ground 7 days and 7 nights, but say nothing--nor does Job respond. [Later, the composer of the Book of Job indicates to the hearer or reader of this book that Elihu and most likely several other people were gathered on this occasion as well--see Job 32:1-5].
AS A RESULT of this third conference, certain significant events occur in Job's life, and Job responds in a certain way. Job 3:1-26.

This sketches Job 1-3. Next, we will turn to the first and second conferences. BUT, in order to do this, we must first spend some time talking about this character "[the Satan]" in later blogs.

How are you doing in the Book of Job so far? Are you learning anything? Am I suggesting some things bothering you, or raising questions for you, or wondering about some of these things about you? Share your ideas with me--with your friends--with your church--with your community.

John Willis


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