John T. Willis

Monday, July 13, 2009

The Ten Plagues Viewed Chronologically

Many modern thinkers assume the Bible presents the books and sections of the Bible in chronological order. Accordingly, one approaches a text like the story of the ten plagues in Exodus 7:14-11:10 assuming that the second plague follows the first plague and the third plague follows the second plague and so forth through all ten plagues. In our previous blog overviewing the "chart" of the first nine plagues, it became clear that the biblical composer intentionally presents this material "theologically" to group three sets of plagues to communicate three important truths about Yahweh or God. SO, I think we should be very cautious about dogmatically concluding that we should understand the plagues as a "chronological" sequence of historical events.

Let me explain further. There are at least two other passages in the Old Testament also present the plagues of Egypt during the time of Moses. Let's look at these three passages as presented in these three texts at another "chart." Here is THE ORDER of the plagues in each text.

Exodus 7:14-11:10 Psalm 78:44-51 Psalm 105:26-36

Water to blood Water to blood Darkness
Frogs Flies Water to blood
Gnats Frogs Frogs
Flies Locusts Flies
Livestock Diseased Hail Gnats
Boils Death of firstborn sons Hail
Hail Locusts
Locusts Death of firstborn sons
Death of firstborn sons

What facts arise from this?
1. The ORDER of each list is DIFFERENT. The ONLY PLAGUE consistent in all three is the LAST ONE=the death of the firstborn sons of the Egyptians--and, of course, THIS is God's "knockout punch" which led to the exodus of the Israelites from Egyptian bondage.
2. The NUMBER of the plagues is not the same. The Book of Exodus presents 10 plagues, Psalm 78 presents six plagues, and Psalm 105 presents eight plagues. If we believe biblical writers are dependable and people of integrity, often these composers are not as interested about some issues as many of us moderns are. It is "okay" NOT to have the same NUMBER or the same ORDER.
3. SO--there must be other concerns. The overall presentation of these these texts about the plagues in Egypt is "theologically." Apparently, God is interested about communicating great truths to reach hearts, NOT about factual or literary details. When we can finally come to realize this truth, we will begin to look at the Bible very differently.

I need to broaden my mind and my heart. In 75 years of life, I have changed my outlooks, my beliefs, my understandings, my way of life OFTEN--and I anticipate this will continue to happen. Paul writes to Christian in Galatia: "My little children, for whom I am again in the pain of childbirth UNTIL CHRIST IS FORMED IN YOU" (Galatians 4:19). I pray that God through Christ will CONTINUE to "transform" in my heart and my life to become more and more like HE wills me to be. I hope I am not the same person I was thirty or twenty or ten or five years ago, or even last year. I need to change.

What about YOU? What are some of YOUR significant changes for your heart and life?
Let me hear from YOU.

I remind you again, if you wish. You can e-mail me as:

John Willis


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