John T. Willis

Monday, June 01, 2009

Jeremiah 9:23-24

Jeremiah 9:23-24 summarizes succinctly the "heart" of spiritual life.

First, the prophet rejects three popular universal aspirations and desires of humanity:

"Thus says the Lord, Do not let the wise boast in their wisdom,
Do not let the mighty boast in their might,
Do not let the wealthy boast in their wealth.

Educational masters, military and political leaders, and successful millionaires unanimously proclaim that well-educated individuals, leaders of nations and universities and multilateral organizations lie at the apex or center of human life. God proclaims through Jeremiah 9:23 that all these goals and functions are destined to fall--and human history, ancient and modern, have demonstrated this is true.

Hence, the prophet extols and commends three noble, divine-centered aspirations and desires of humanity:
"But let those who boast boast in this, that they understand and know me, that I am the Lord;
I act with steadfast love,
and righteousness in the earth,
for in these things I delight, says the Lord."

When a person devotes herself/himself to steadfast love [love that persists, is dependable, is unfailing], justice [not counterfeit, duplicity, double-dealing, pretension], and righteousness [doing the right thing when all others call for an inferior ethical and religious standard], that person always invariably prevails in God's eyes and before his fellows.

May God give us the credibility to cling to this way of living.

John Willis


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